DepuNaut is a science fiction top-down horror shooter game that was created for Gamedev.js Jam 2024. The theme of the jam was Power which I chose to implement in the game as a resource. Your armor requires batteries to run and if you run out of power, you will have to abandon the armor and the extra protection it provides until you find more batteries.

The Story:

You play as a DepuNaut, a type of corporate police officer that responds to requests from the company. You have been called to investigate the disappearance of a company vessel known as the Flood of Profits and determine what happened to its crew. You must board the vessel and make your way to the bridge in order to pull the ship's logs. The corporation has authorized lethal force should anyone try to stop you.

How to Play:

DepuNaut is a top down shooter. Your character rotates to face the mouse cursor or whichever direction you have the right stick in if on controller. You can fire your Infraction Inhibition rifle if you have enough ammo or you can always resort to your combat knife if enemies get up-close-and-personal. Your armor requires power, so if your power bar reaches zero then you will need to abandon your suit of armor until you find more batteries. You can also run out of ammunition for your rifle so finding ammo clips can greatly improve your chances. You can also collect bandages and use them to patch yourself up.

Should your health bar ever run out, you can consider your employment with the company effectively terminated.


WASD Keys/Left Thumbstick -- Move your character

Mouse Cursor/Right Thumbstick -- Aim

F Key/A Button -- Interact

Left Click/Right Trigger -- Fire your Rifle

Right Click/Left Trigger -- Swing your Combat Knife

Q Key/Right Shoulder Button -- Use Bandages

R Key/X Button -- Reload

X Key/Y Button -- Exit Armor

Esc/Start Button -- Open the menu


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